Home | Embley School, Hampshire

Home | Embley School, Hampshire

Children progress from Embley as Renaissance individuals, formed into intellectually curious and open-minded young people who seek their personal best in all that they do and are adept at being effective navigators in a sea of change. They are successful, rounded, happy and compassionate young people who don’t think less of themselves, just think of themselves less.

Ours is a school….

Curiosity is encouraged and developed. It informs our children’s enquiry, engages their thinking and makes them adept solution finders.

Curiosity at Embley

By allowing children to be purposefully uncomfortable, they embrace experiences that provide opportunity to see the world from different perspectives.

Compassion at Embley

To be authentically human is to engage our capacity to reason. Children develop a keen analytical awareness and an ability to discern effectively.

Enquirers at Embley


As an innovative and forward-looking school, we are purposefully suited to the challenges of the modern world. Our focus is on the formation of young people who don’t just believe in success, they live it authentically.

Beyond their own A*

Our focus is on the formation of authentic and successful young people who can become anything they want to be.

We take children beyond what statistics say they can do. Your child will leave Embley with a promising future ahead of them, a portfolio of strong academic results, a finely tuned emotional and intellectual toolkit. 

Embley is an HMC accredited school


We are a Prep, Senior School and Sixth Form as one; on one breath-taking site and with one shared vision for our children. From the early years of childhood to the final days of Sixth Form, this is a journey we are on together; each member of staff with each child in our care.


A 130 acre classroom

Learning at Embley is not contained by public exam specifications. Alongside a rich academic curriculum sits our programme of over 200 co-curricular experiences, each specifically designed to develop life-long skills that enhance learning and personal development. Set amidst a stunning 130- acre woodland campus, we believe that academic progression and personal wellbeing are enhanced by outdoor adventure, serving others, playing sport and participating in the Arts.

Adventure & Service

From learning about duty and service at our partner school in Ghana, community projects closer to home, our Combined Cadet Force and Duke of Edinburgh programme, to understanding the importance of teamwork and building resilience while sailing on Embley’s fleet of keelboats and trekking the three highest peaks in Scotland, there is nothing better

than seeing the delight on children’s faces when they are allowed to be purposefully uncomfortable and realise what they are capable of.

Explore Adventure & Service

Sport at Embley

We don’t chase silverware, we chase performance because we believe it is the challenge to improve, the resolve to endure and the drive to succeed that inspires the journey rather than the destination. Our focus is on how we get better,

incrementally, humbly recognising how we improve and master our craft. The ‘prize’ is improvement, the silverware just acknowledges it.

Explore Sport

The Arts

From being immersed in one of our artist in residence workshops in our purpose-built art studios, to taking to the stage in a whole school Broadway productions to a sell-out audience, or playing alongside acclaimed pianists and composers, we instil a love, appreciation and respect for the

Arts. Embley is alive with the Arts and there’s no better way to experience this than at our annual, rival to Edinburgh, Embley Fringe.

Explore The Arts




“Pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum are outstanding, strongly supported by dynamic teaching which incorporates well-structured and carefully paced lessons to foster pupils’ curiosity.”

“Pupils are extremely numerate and transfer their skills across the curriculum with ease.”

Embley achieved the highest possible ‘Excellent’ rating across all areas of our provision for pupil achievement and personal development in its latest Independent Schools Inspectorate’s (ISI) Educational Quality Inspection (October 2022).

Read the report

“Pupils display an excellent commitment to the contribution they make to others, the school and the community.”


“Data shows that almost all pupils attain higher examination grades than expected for their ability.”