Academic | Senior | Embley School, Hampshire

Academic | Senior | Embley School, Hampshire



We are ambitious for our students and the highest levels of achievement are regularly met. They are the result of progress.

Your child will be stretched intellectually, to think deeply and critically, by being given time and skills to delve into complex ideas and explore concepts in depth.

We use data about each student’s performance to unlock their potential in a similar way to how an investor will monitor changes in global markets to achieve a return on investment. We scrutinise patterns in a student’s learning across subjects and skill sets to maximise their performance, without ever letting pressure loom heavy over them.

Teacher helping a student

Where a passion to improve runs downhill

We believe that if young people see those at ‘the top’ showing restless passion for self-improvement and service to others then they will learn the very same as they make their ascent.

Great teachers are the heartbeat of Embley. No grandeur of place or sophistication of facility can replace meaningful relationships in a classroom where our teachers spark interest and intrigue. The way each teacher inspires, believes in our students, or just makes them love to learn is truly remarkable. By forging meaningful relationships with every student, having a true understanding of their individual capabilities, and armed with exceptional subject knowledge, our teachers focus their attention where it is needed most, asking good and timely questions that excite, challenge and stretch.

Curriculum - Lower School

The first three years of Senior School provide a broad and stimulating experience of subjects alongside the growth and refinement of learning disciplines that your child will benefit from in their future studies.

English is taught in mixed ability groups with targeted differentiation. Maths is taught according to attainment from Year 9 to provide more targeted interventions to students who are preparing for different GCSE exam levels or advanced academic qualifications. All students learn French and Spanish in Years 7 and 8 before selecting one foreign language to study in Year 9.  
In addition to subjects covering Science and Technology, the Humanities and the Arts, and a timetabled Games afternoon and weekly PE lesson, all students have one lesson a week in our Wellbeing Hub where they explore age-appropriate topics including mental health, money management, careers, discrimination, online safety, sex and relationships, first aid, healthy eating and exercise as part of PSHE lessons.

Upper School

Students study at least nine GCSEs in Years 10 and 11.All take English Language and Literature, Maths and Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSE. For the remaining choices, any additional combinations of the following subjects can be taken, suiting each student’s academic strengths, interests and aspirations: 

Business, Science & Technology Business Studies, Computer Science, Physical Education
Creative & Performing Arts Art, Craft & Design, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Music, Photography, Three-Dimensional Design
Humanities & Languages French, Geography, History, Politics, Religious Studies, Spanish

In addition to GCSE subjects and a timetabled Games afternoon and weekly PE lesson, all students have one lesson a week in our Wellbeing Hub where they explore age-appropriate topics including post-16 options, university and apprenticeship application processes, careers options and goal setting. 

GCSE Options Booklet 2025-27

Beyond academics

Learning at Embley is not contained by public exam specifications, it is designed for the curious and adventurous.

Students embark on academic expeditions across the globe to destinations including Iceland, Washington and Ghana; they compete at Olympiads and global competitions; and immerse themselves in guest lectures and workshops from leading experts and academics.  
Our 200 option-strong co-curriculum broadens learning, fosters skills, sparks passions and helps lead to successful careers. For our next generation of policy influencers and entrepreneurs, we offer debating, Model United Nations, Politics Society, an Entrepreneurs’ Club and Embley Asset Management which sees students trading live on international markets, introducing them to tangible, complex problem solving and values-based decision making.  
Future engineers, programmers and scientists, will enjoy our Code Club, Aeronautics Programme, First Lego League Robotics and Green Power Car Challenge, where children are building an electric car and racing on international circuits. And budding strategists will enjoy our Chess, Board Games, Dungeons & Dragons clubs as well as a Poker Club – where students learn the rules, language and maths behind the game.