1837 Project | About Us | Embley School, Hampshire

1837 Project | About Us | Embley School, Hampshire


Our 1837 project is a challenge to every member of the Embley community - pupils in Nursery to Sixth Form, staff and parents - to raise £18.37 each (or more!) every academic year, so that collectively we can make a huge impact.

The project sits within our outreach programme, Camino, which strives to nurture compassion and empathy in our school community. ‘Camino’ means road, path or way – and this is our Embley way. All children at Embley are encouraged to be outward looking; understanding that the world does not stop at the end of one’s nose but that it is by enriching the lives of those around them that they will find the greatest happiness.

This year (2024/25), we’ve set ourselves an ambitious target of raising:


to fund the WASH project for our partner school, Little Roses, in Ghana. 

The WASH Project

Every year, a group of students and staff visit our partner school, Little Roses, to help with teaching, sports coaching and renovating parts of the school.

Little Roses is a primary and secondary school in a developing area of Woe in the Volta region of eastern Ghana. The school educates approximately 200 children between the ages of 5 and 16. It is severely underfunded. In our previous visits, we have helped to screed concrete floors in three classrooms, made breeze blocks and constructed some classroom walls. We provided funding for a water tank in the primary school but the junior secondary school is located at a different site and has no running water for drinking or handwashing, and the two existing toilets are in an extremely poor condition. 

£20,000 will build a new toilet block and water tank that will enable pupils at Little Roses to have access to safe and clean water and washing facilities.  

The significance of 1837

On 7 February 1837, Florence Nightingale was seated beneath one of the giant cedars of Lebanon, here at her home in Embley Park, when she received the first of her callings from God to serve others. The 1837 project is a calling to our school community to undertake a mission in service of others. The collective impact fo every member of our community will make a huge difference. 

You can read more about the history of Embley Park here.

Payments and donations

Keep an eye on our news and social channels as we feature examples of fundraising acitivites throughout the year.

Some examples so far include a sponsored sea swim (in December!), an arm wrestling competition with Embley's strongest teacher, selling pre-loved clothes, a sponsored read-athon and a staff v student sports match.

To submit money raised from a fundraising task or to make a donation, please click here:


Thank you for helping us make a huge difference.