The Embley Experience | About Us | Embley School, Hampshire

The Embley Experience | About Us | Embley School, Hampshire


The Embley Experience

Committed to being our best

Embley is more than an education. We are a school purposefully suited to the opportunities of the modern world – our aim is the deliberate and purposeful ‘formation’ of young people. Our children go out into the world as capable, independent, interested and interesting individuals.

The highest levels of achievement are regularly and impressively met at Embley, but they are the result of progress. Progress is achievement. We are a community committed to getting better; where the value of making mistakes is understood, and no one flies under the radar.

We want children to be challenged, stretched, excited and listened to; to be purposefully uncomfortable, and able and willing to stretch themselves. Our focus is on children achieving their best; being the best may elude them or not, it is of no consequence. Effort and attitude at Embley is always focused on being our best, the rest will follow.

Children in the background doing classwork with a pupil in the foreground smiling at the camera

A School for the Renaissance Child

Embley is a proudly innovative school, but with heritage. From deep and important roots that reach as far back as the Domesday Book, we look forward.

We are a modern independent school standing tall on the shoulders of our heritage where the path of our future is one of progress. Ours is a school for the Renaissance child; for the curious, the enquirers, for those with a passion to learn and a capacity for wonder.

There is no ‘type’ here. We are not a factory bent on producing the same product time after time. Our girls and boys are surrounded by a huge range of opportunities to discover – academic and artistic, personal and professional. It is not our purpose to produce more accountants, medics, and lawyers; our mission is to form authentic young people confident in themselves who can become any of those things and more.

A teacher sitting with a pupil helping with his workon page image

Led by inspirational teachers

Great teachers are the heartbeat of Embley. No grandeur of place or sophistication of facility can replace meaningful relationships in a classroom where our teachers spark interest and intrigue.

The way a teacher inspires you, believes in you, or just makes you love to learn is truly invaluable. Embley attracts, keeps, and develops those people.

We have a constant desire for improvement, our aim is to ‘be better’; to use the latest teaching and learning research and resources. We have all the rigour, all the achievement, but none of the unnecessary pressure without merit that blights childhoods. Some pressure is a necessary part of life – it is healthy, it drives us on – but it must be used with consideration. We will know every child’s progress to the smallest detail without ever letting it loom over them.