Year 6 Camp Out | Latest News | Embley School, Hampshire

Year 6 Camp Out


Year 6 Camp Out

Friday 14 June was an unforgettable day for Embley’s Year 6. The day began with an assembly at which pupils showcased their learning about Shakespeare and provided a sneak preview of their forthcoming production ‘Matilda: The Musical’, much to the delight of parents.

After school, the rain stayed at bay allowing the children to work together in teams to pitch their tents in preparation for their overnight camp-out on the Headmaster’s Lawn. Following dinner, Year 6 (and their teachers) hit the dance floor with a disco in the Lewis Hall, giving everyone the chance to show off their very best dance moves. Afterwards, everyone to gather around the fire-pit to roast marshmallows and sing some well known campfire songs. As the evening drew to a close, the children made their way back through the Embley woods to their tents.

The following morning, pupils were up with the sun, ready to pack up camp and enjoy some delicious pastries before heading home. It was a fantastic way to wrap up a memorable year for our amazing Year 6 group as they head off to the Senior School.