What shape is Space? | Latest News | Embley School, Hampshire

What shape is Space? | Latest News | Embley School, Hampshire


What shape is Space?

Year 5 and 6 explored non-Euclidean geometry for our second 'Post-grad to Prep Mostly Maths’ session. Pupils considered the question ‘What shape is Space?’ as they explored Euclid’s five axioms and why the study of geometry remained unchanged for over 2000 years.We all understand the concept of different things in space having different shapes – but what about the shape of Space itself? The question has rich mathematically pedigree and began in Ancient Greece with Euclid’s geometry. These theories have been augmented over time, passing into the 20th Century with Einstein’s theory of general relativity and the James Webb Telescope which uses the principles of curved Space to act as a giant optical lens to enhance its pictures. The children investigated this concept by conducting experiments on flat, spherical and hyperboloid surfaces, discovering how the curvature of space distorts shapes. They were fully engaged and fascinated by the session which prompted lots of curious questions and inspired discussions.