Wellbeing in Boarding | Latest News | Embley School, Hampshire

Wellbeing in Boarding


Wellbeing in Boarding

For the past six years, our Boarding community has participated in a range of mental health and wellbeing activities during the Mental Health Foundation’s national campaign ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’. The theme this year was about movement, so Boarding staff incorporated a combination of group, individual, accessible, fun and creative ways to enjoy exercise and fitness, from whole house softball and swimming opportunities to sunset yoga and a trip to the New Forest Water Park!

Equally, we know how important it is to feed the mind, heart and soul too, and the Boarding team arranged surprise personalised, handwritten letters and mini self-care packages (including special calming teas, heart shaped crystal gemstones and scented lip balms) delivered directly to each boarder’s bed for them to come home to on Monday and Tuesday; what a feel-good way to start the week!

The whole house then made the most of the wonderful weather on Wednesday by toasting marshmallows over their firepit campfire; looking out across the glorious grounds and countryside as the sun went down. It wasn’t just the melting marshmallows that warmed everybody up in the end, as the boarders beautifully took turns to share something or someone they are grateful for and why.

On Thursday, boarders made use of the Food & Nutrition Room and were involved in a ‘Bake it Green’ fundraising event for the Mental Health Foundation by decorating cupcakes with bright green icing and topping them with Aero mint bubbles and bars. They then sold their chocolatey treats to one another during Boarders’ Break on Friday, which balanced nicely with their healthy, homemade fruit smoothies!