Walk like an Egyptian

Walk like an Egyptian


Walk like an Egyptian

Year 3 travelled back in time for their fantastic Egyptian day, ahead of their visit to the Tutankhamun Exhibition in Dorchester. Dressed in either Egyptian costumes or as archaeologists from the 1920s, they went in search for the antechamber of Tutankhamun’s tomb and recorded their findings using sketches and notes, following in the footsteps of Howard Carter when he discovered Tutankhamun in 1922. 

In a fascinating virtual tour of the British Museum, the children learnt more about how Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon made their fantastic discoveries. They watched videos, looked at photographs and explored artefacts. Using clay, they created their own mummies and mummified them with bandages. They also produced their own special sarcophagi using card, decorated with Egyptian hieroglyphs and patterns.

In studying the diets of Egyptians, the children baked authentic Egyptian bread with dates and honey, which they enjoyed taste testing as part of their Egyptian feast! They bravely tried different foods Egyptians would have eaten nearly 3000 years ago including olives, grapes, hummus and falafel! 

Year 3 had a brilliant day. There were some spectacular costumes and the children really got into the spirit of travelling back in time to bring their topic to life.