Under the sea

Under the sea


Under the sea

Our Marine Biology co-curricular club allows pupils in Years 6 to 8 to discover more about the organisms that live in our oceans.

This week, pupils had the opportunity to view a small starfish under the microscope and they were fascinated by its unique appearance. Starfish can divide to make clones by splitting themselves apart before regenerating, and our pupils had the amazing chance to see a starfish in the process of growing new legs. It was an exciting sight and there were lots of curious questions for our resident Marine Biologist, Dr Reed, to answer. He also challenged pupils to keep an eye out for the Pom Pom crabs hiding in the classroom tank!

Pupils also learnt about symbiotic relationships between organisms in the ocean – a close and long-term biological interaction between two different species – for example anemone and clown fish. They were then challenged to research their own examples and they discovered that all relationships are beneficial to both organisms.

It is great to see our Prep and Senior pupils learning together and from each other in such an engaging way; we look forward to seeing what else they discover.