Guys & Dolls theatre trip

Guys & Dolls theatre trip


Guys & Dolls theatre trip

Year 9, GCSE and A Level Drama students were transported back to 1940s New York as they experienced ‘Guys & Dolls’ at the Bridge Theatre in London.

Guys & Dolls debuted on Broadway in 1950, running for 1,200 performances with two subsequent revivals. The musical romantic comedy, adapted from short stories by Damon Runyon, took our students on a journey through the streets of Manhattan as they followed the characters through the unlikeliest of love stories. The Bridge Theatre’s unique set up features immersive seating and a stage that magically rises from the ground providing a new and engaging twist on the theatre experience.

Students Tegan and Ellen reflect on their exciting trip to the theatre:

“The theatre had an exciting and unique set up. We were standing in a pit with the audience elevated on all sides, and the stage was sections of the floor that raised up creating different layouts relevant to the scene with the audience moving around it accordingly. It was genuinely phenomenal – the actors were fantastic and the design of the props, costumes, and especially the stage were extremely creative and pulled off brilliantly. All round it was an amazing experience.” Tegan, Year 11

“I enjoyed the trip because you could interact with the actors. I found the stage really cool and interesting because it has different levels. I’m also very grateful that I had the chance to go on the trip.” Ellen, Year 7