Flying High at the Hawk Conservancy | Latest News | Embley School, Hampshire

Flying high at the Hawk Conservancy


Flying high at the Hawk Conservancy

Year 3 had a fascinating trip to the Hawk Conservancy Trust. As well as taking part in an observational drawing workshop of birds and features, they watched two bird of prey displays and learnt about how birds have evolved over time to survive, for example how the feathers of the snowy owl and vulture differ depending on how they hunt for prey. 

They met many different species including vultures, red kites, a sea eagle and a merlin up close and it was a thrilling sight to see the birds soaring over their heads during the displays, enhancing their learning in such an interactive way. The children learnt how an owl’s feathers are spaced to reduce friction and noise during flight and they watched a tawny owl fly over their heads without making a noise. 

It was wonderful for our pupils to learn about these beautiful, majestic animals. Year 3 pupils had a great experience learning more about bird species and how vital species like vultures are to our natural ecosystems.