Embley in verse

Embley in verse


Embley in verse

Taking inspiration from ‘Poetry at Work Day’, Year 8 were tasked with writing a poem about Embley – in just 15 minutes. 

There were some enchanting pieces of work and after much deliberation the winners were announced: Elisabeth N was awarded first place, Oliver B second and Sophia R, Poppi G-W and Charlotte W were joint third. The following students also gained commendations: Juliet B, Amelia R, Lucas F, Alex G, Ellie W, Savannah H, Elisabeth L, Oliver R and Ayo O. Congratulations to everyone that took part. Enjoy the winning poems below.

Ready, Respectful, Safe.

by Elisabeth N

Ready, Respectful, Safe.
That’s the Embley way.
Uniform green as the grass of the fields.
And you can’t forget the wonderful meals.
Sports facilities, the PAC and more.
The art rooms on the second floor.
The whole room dedicated to 3D design.
The hallway where we wait in the lunch line.
Walking around cheerfully with all your friends.
Wishing classes never had to end.
Going to clubs without a fuss.
Hurrying to catch your minibus.
On the bus home, feeling warm and glad.
Of all the fun learning we’ve had.

Embley Park

by Oliver B

Embley Park, where tales entwine,
In Hampshire’s heart, a brilliant design.
Cobbled walls and stately halls,
Echoes of learning in each room
Past and present in a dance,
Sharp and eager like a lance
River Avon’s gentle nook
Soft and lively as a brook
Florence Nightingale’s legacy bright,
A beacon in Embley’s soft moonlight.
Gardens blooming, secrets unfold,
Embley Park, a story told.

Embley is OUR school
by Poppi G-W and Charlotte W

Embley is OUR school
Made of history and full of joy
Brilliant and talented minds
Learning together
Everyone helps each other
You are a part of Embley and we are too.

Embley is…

by Amelia R

Embley is a wonderful place,
Embley is a home, a safe space, where people can be who they are.
At Embley you can be sporty, you can be academic, you can be melodramatic, you can be whoever you want to be.
All because Embley is a home.
Our home.

A tiring week

by Sophia R

The children laugh, the work gets done,
the teachers teach and school’s still fun,
another day around the corner
but we must stay within the border,
the frosty embrace is to unravel
on the grass and on the gravel.
What is this torture I must survive?
Is it to show? Is it to thrive?
For all I know I must try my best
yet always remember to take a rest.