Antarctic Exploration with Prof Lloyd Peck | Latest News | Embley School, Hampshire

Antarctic exploration with Prof Lloyd Peck


Antarctic exploration with
Prof Lloyd Peck

Professor Lloyd Peck is a scientist with the British Antarctic Survey who studies the ecological and physiological adaptations of organisms in extreme environments. He leads an innovative team of polar biologists who investigate how species survive in the coldest, driest, windiest and most isolated place on earth. Professor Peck has competed an outstanding 20 field visits to Antarctica in his over 30 years studying life in the polar regions and has published over 340 science papers, reviews and book chapters.

Across the school, pupils were excited to hear about Professor Peck’s thrilling tales of Antarctic exploration in our latest Scholars Lecture, Sixth Form Nightingale Lecture and Prep School workshops. It was fascinating to learn about the animals that inhabit the polar regions, how they adapt to the harsh climate, intense seasons and respond to environmental change. Professor Peck also demonstrated how humans can survive the sub-zero temperatures using special field gear and pupils had the opportunity to examine the different pieces of equipment and learn about the materials.

What a great experience, it was a huge privilege to have Professor Peck share his knowledge and unique experiences with the children.