An explosion of creativity

An explosion of creativity


An explosion of creativity

For their Geography homework, Year 8 were tasked with a competition to make a model of a volcano. Their brief was to produce a cross-section of a volcano with labels. The model was also required to have a base that showed features of the surrounding area to show the reasons why people live near volcanoes.

The results were spectacular. There was an amazing array of models produced, giving our Geography department the unenviable job of choosing three winners. These were announced in a recent Year 8 assembly. 

Third place was awarded to Lawrence H. Teachers were particularly impressed with his creativity. Lawrence incorporated many different aspects into his model illustrating the advantages of living near volcanoes such as farming and tourism. His model even had a geothermal energy plant!  It was a really super effort. 

In second place was Orhaan C. Orhaan’s model was superbly and creatively presented with a huge amount of added detail. He incorporated excellent ideas on the base of the volcano with lego figures; one of a farmer ploughing the fertile fields and even a scientist monitoring the volcano! It was an outstanding effort.

First place was awarded to Charlotte W. Charlotte produced a very impressive volcano model which was extremely realistic with incredible detail. The base of the volcano was well designed and constructed and even had a geyser that looked like Strokkur in Iceland!  Another truly phenomenal effort. 

Head of Geography Mrs Spurr congratulated the year group on the quality of their creations and commented: “It was very difficult to choose the winners as there were so many superb models produced – all in all a great effort from Year 8!”